- sell above value
- продавать выше стоимости
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
Ценные бумаги. Англо-русский словарь. Жданова И.Ф.. 2013.
Value engineering — is a systematic method to improve the value of goods and services by using an examination of function. Value, as defined, is the ratio of function to cost. Value can therefore be increased by either improving the function or reducing the cost. It … Wikipedia
Value averaging — Value averaging, also known as dollar value averaging (DVA), is a technique of adding to an investment portfolio to provide greater return than similar methods such as dollar cost averaging and random investment. It was developed by former… … Wikipedia
Value added tax — Taxation An aspect of fiscal policy … Wikipedia
value — The importance placed on something by an individual. Value is subjective and may change according to the circumstances. Something that may be valued highly at one time may be valued less at another time. The CENTER ONLINE Futures Glossary * * * ▪ … Financial and business terms
Labor theory of value — The labor theories of value (LTV) are theories in economics according to which the values of commodities are related to the labor needed to produce them.There are many different accounts of labor value, with the common element that the value of… … Wikipedia
Law of value — The law of value is a concept in Karl Marx s critique of political economy. Most generally, it refers to a regulative principle of the economic exchange of the products of human work: the relative exchange values of those products in trade,… … Wikipedia
Criticisms of the labour theory of value — often arise from an economic criticism of Marxism. Contents 1 Microeconomic theory 2 Supply and demand 3 Jevons 4 Menger s critique … Wikipedia
Fair market value — (FMV) is a term in both law and accounting that is based on the economics term of market value. It is also a common basis for assessing damages to be awarded for the loss of or damage to the property, generally in a claim under tort or a contract … Wikipedia
Surplus value — is a concept created by Karl Marx in his critique of political economy, where its ultimate source is unpaid surplus labor performed by the worker for the capitalist, serving as a basis for capital accumulation.The German equivalent word Mehrwert… … Wikipedia
Diminution in value — is a legal term of art used when calculating damages in a legal dispute, and describes a measure of value lost due to a circumstance or set of circumstances that caused the loss. Specifically, it measures the value of something before and after… … Wikipedia
Book value — In accounting, book value or carrying value is the value of an asset or according to its balance sheet account balance. For assets, the value is based on the original cost of the asset less any depreciation, amortization or impairment costs made… … Wikipedia